Joe Schillizzi also helped with the revised weapon tables. Updated equipment costs were provided by Mike Mason and Dan Kramer. 7th Edition investigator sheets designed by Dean Engelhardt. Paul Fricker revised the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition rules with development and additional material from Mike Mason. The Equipment Lists were revised and updated by Mike Mason with assistance from Dan Kramer. Paul Fricker and Mike Mason wrote Advice for Players. Life as an Investigator and The Roaring Twenties revised with additional material by Mike Mason. Mike Mason wrote and revised the Occupations and Investigator Organizations, with development and additional material from Paul Fricker. This book was developed and written by Mike Mason and Paul Fricker. The authors would like to thank the following people for their ongoing support and assistance: Charlie Krank, Keary Birch, Alan Bligh, John French, Matt Anderson, Scott Dorward, Dean Engelhardt, Matthew Sanderson, Tim Vincent, Garrie Hall, Dan Kramer, and of course Sandy Petersen, without whom none of this would have happened! Investigator handbook The Call of Cthulhu Investigator Handbook Snyder, Nathan Rosario, Chris Lackey, and Earl Geier Cartography: Stephanie McAlea Cristoforo Font: Thomas Phinney Mike Mason and Paul Fricker Editorial: Scott Dorward, Paul Fricker, Charlie Krank, and Mike Mason Design Format: Badger McInnes, Meghan McLean, and Mike Mason Layout: Badger McInnes, Meghan Mclean, Nicholas Nacario, and Rick Meints Art Direction: Mike Mason and Meghan McLean Cover Illustration: Sam Lamont Chapter Illustrations: Jonathan Wyke, Paul Carrick, François Launet, Victor Leza, Charles Wong, Mike Perry, Mariusz Gandzel, Cyril van der Haegen, and Linda Jones Interior Illustrations: Alberto Bontempi, Rachel Kahn, Grilla, Chris Huth, Paul Carrick, Jonathan Wyke, Robert Hack, Francois Launet, John T. Keith Herber This revised 7th Edition is a collaboration between Useful Information for 1920s Investigators Members of The Society for the Exploration of the Unexplained Quick Reference Chart for Half and Fifth Values Other Ways of Creating Investigators (Optional Rules)