
Different numbers in different languages
Different numbers in different languages

different numbers in different languages

seriously, real world ramifications for your UX designers fails. i cannot get my work done, and now the client is going to fire me. again, how am i supposed to find that in this control panel menu when i have no clue what that is in the language i'm looking at. I can't do anything! what is wrong with you people. now, control panel? how do you spell that in japanese? OH, no idea! yet, every single one has a shortcut - that would be useful.

different numbers in different languages

i'm trying to change the language on a device that's not in my native language! use case much? "Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu and select Control Panel." - awesome shortcut, at first, i don't read the language so perfect. Windows 10 on Windows Central - All you need to know.Windows 11 on Windows Central - All you need to know.More Windows resourcesįor more helpful articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10 and Windows 11, visit the following resources: If you happen to be one of the remaining users using Cortana, consider changing the region settings that may prevent you from accessing the digital assistant. In the same way, you can change the region settings to access an application from the Microsoft Store that is only available in a specific region. The only caveat with changing the region settings is that it will also change the settings for the Microsoft Store, which may block access to certain apps and services, depending on the location. It's also a helpful feature to match the locale settings if you relocate to another region or when buying a new device that ships from a different country. However, changing these settings may come in handy in organizations working with people who need to use different preferences. Usually, you rarely have to change or install additional languages on Windows 10. Once you complete the steps, the settings will apply, and the computer will now use the correct region settings. Source: Windows Central (Image credit: Source: Windows Central)

Different numbers in different languages