(04-18-2016, 12:15 PM)willkuer Wrote: I still would like to mention that it is not clear if the driver of your connector is supported by Win10. If somebody could provide me with some information on how to use my DS2 controller I would be eternally grateful.

I have seen the Xinput wrapper for DS3 and DS4 controllers located on this very forum, and I ideally want it to work as a 360 controller, however I cannot figure out if I can even get it to work with my DS2 controller. I have used Better DS3 before and as said previously I don't want anything to do with motioninjoy, maybe only as a last resort. I am not sure if this is the exact brand but the adapter is pretty much the one I use. I am using this ( ) to connect it to my pc. I've done a fresh install of win10 last night and am looking for a tool that doesn't use motioninjoy in the slightest, and, to be able to use my official Dual Shock 2 controller. So upon upgrading from windows 7 64-bit to windows 10 64-bit, I have noted that Motioninjoy no longer works because of unsigned drivers, and while I was using it before I've decided not to because of claims about driver crashes and the like.